Sunday, January 18, 2009

Signs you've been in France too long:

  • You've developed an inability to complete even the shortest sentence, in French or in English, without at least two, and depressingly often all, of the following words: bah, quoi, or euh. (Bah oui! C'est la France, quoi.) 
  • Paying 4€ per load for laundry seems quite reasonable.
  • Life without bakeries every 10 meters is not only meaningless but impossible.
  • These sentences make perfect sense and are perfectly grammatical: "I have a lot of envy to see that movie!"  "I have horror of students who chat during the entire class."  "I have du mal speaking English now."
  • You've started to add up your purchases in your head in a store so you can give exact change at the till.
  • You say "Chut!" instead of "Shhhh!" even when you're speaking English.
More to come, as I think of them...

1 comment:

  1. Hah! je te l'ai bien dit, non? j'ai gagné, quoi...
    Sérieusement, tu commences à comprendre la fascination que la France exerce...
    Et, on n'est jamais "trop longtemps" en France, ce n'est pas possible...
    ps - amuse-toi bien! profites-en! la France te manquera comme tu ne peux pas t'imaginer au retour...
